Note the pink oxyphil cells here. 可见粉红色的甲状旁腺嗜酸性细胞。
The parathyroid was situated within thyroid, and composed of dark chief cells, light chief cells, dark oxyphil cells and light oxyphil cells. Sometimes the follicle-like structure and fat cells may be found in the gland. 甲状旁腺位于甲状腺内,其实质由暗主细胞、淡主细胞、暗嗜酸性细胞、淡嗜酸性细胞组成,并可见腺泡样结构和脂肪细胞。
The Goose parathyroid gland consists of chief cells without oxyphil cells. 结果表明,鹅甲状旁腺只有主细胞,没有嗜酸性细胞。